List of Famous people named Argaeus

Here are some famous Argaeuses:

Argaeus I of Macedon

First Name Argaeus
Born on November 30, -0651
Died on January 1, -0700

Argaeus or Araeus, was according to 5th-century BC Greek writer Herodotus one of six predecessors of his contemporary, king Alexander I of Macedon. Alexander I's predecessors, starting from the nearest, were according to Herodotus: Amyntas, Alcetas, Aëropus, Philip I, Argaeus, and Perdiccas I. A rival tradition is held by Livy, Pausanias, Suidas and Junianus Justinus, with Caranus as the first Macedon king.

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Argaeus II of Macedon

First Name Argaeus
Born on January 1, -0500
Died on January 1, -0400 (aged 100)

Argaeus II was a pretender to the Macedonian crown.

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