List of Famous people named Annabel

Similar names: Annabella, Annabelle, Anabel, Anabelle, Anabella, Anabell, Annabell. Here are some famous Annabels:

Annabel Croft

First Name Annabel
Born on July 12, 1966 (age 58)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Annabel Nicola Croft is a former professional British female tennis player and current radio and television presenter. As a tennis player she won the WTA Tour event Virginia Slims of San Diego and represented Great Britain in the Fed Cup and the Wightman Cup.

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Annabel Giles

First Name Annabel
Born on May 20, 1959 (age 65)

Annabel Claire Giles is a British counsellor and psychotherapist. She is best known as a television and radio presenter, who has also worked as a model, actress and novelist.

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Annabel Chong

First Name Annabel
Born on May 22, 1972 (age 52)

Grace Quek, stage name Annabel Chong, is a retired Singaporean-born American pornographic film actress who became famous after starring in an adult film that was promoted as The World's Biggest Gang Bang. The film was commercially successful and started a trend of "record-breaking" gang bang pornography. Four years later, Chong was the subject of the documentary Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, in which she was interviewed about her pornography career. Academically gifted, she majored in Fine Arts and subsequently qualified in web applications development, before retiring from the adult industry completely in 2003.

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Annabel Scholey

First Name Annabel
Born on January 8, 1984 (age 40)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Annabel Scholey is an English actress. She played Lauren Drake in the BBC supernatural drama Being Human (2009) and the leading role of 'Maddie' in the musical feature film Walking on Sunshine (2014). Scholey played Contessina de Medici in the television series, Medici: Masters of Florence (2016) with Dustin Hoffman and Richard Madden.

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Annabel Elliot

Sonia Annabel Shand
First Name Annabel
Born on February 2, 1949 (age 75)

Sonia Annabel Elliot is an English interior designer and antiques dealer. She is the mother of British Conservative politician Ben Elliot, who serves as the Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party and sister of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, a member of the British royal family.

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Annabel Jean Crombie

First Name Annabel
Born on January 1, 1944 (age 80)
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Annabel Alison Ley

First Name Annabel
Born on April 30, 1939 (age 85)
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Annabel Mary Dibdin Heseltine

First Name Annabel
Born on January 1, 1963 (age 61)
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Annabel Clare Bond

First Name Annabel
Born on February 28, 1971 (age 53)
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Annabel Pennington

First Name Annabel
Born on December 16, 1931 (age 92)
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