List of Famous people named Aeropus

Here are some famous Aeropuses:

Aeropus II of Macedon

First Name Aeropus
Born on November 30, -0501
Died on January 1, -0393 (aged 108)

Aeropus II of Macedon, king of Macedonia, son of Perdiccas II, was guardian during the minority of his king and kinsman, Orestes, with whom he reigned for some years after 399 BC.

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Aeropus I of Macedon

First Name Aeropus
Born on January 1, -0700
Died on January 1, -0600 (aged 100)

Aeropus I of Macedon was the son of Philip I, the great-grandson of Perdiccas I, the first king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon according to Herodotus, and the father of Alcetas.

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