List of Famous people named Aed
Áed Findliath
Áed mac Néill, called Áed Findliath to distinguish him from his paternal grandfather Áed Oirdnide, was king of Ailech and High King of Ireland. A member of the northern Uí Néill kindred of the Cenél nEógain, Áed was the son of Niall Caille.
Áed Sláine
Áed mac Diarmato, called Áed Sláine, was the son of Diarmait mac Cerbaill. Legendary stories exist of Áed's birth. Saint Columba is said to have prophesied his death. His descendants, the Síl nÁedo Sláine—the seed of Áed of Slane—were prominent in 7th and early 8th century Ireland.
Áed Oirdnide
Áed mac Néill, commonly called Áed Oirdnide, was King of Ailech. A member of the Cenél nEógain dynasty of the northern Uí Néill, he was the son of Niall Frossach. Like his father, Áed was reckoned High King of Ireland. He was King of Ailech from 788 onwards and High King of Ireland from 797.
Áed Allán
Áed Allán was an 8th-century Irish king of Ailech and High King of Ireland. Áed Allán was the son of Fergal mac Máele Dúin and a member of the Cenél nEógain, a branch of the Northern Uí Néill.
Áed mac Ainmuirech
Áed mac Ainmuirech was high-king of the Northern Uí Néill. He belonged to the Cenél Conaill and was a distant cousin of Columba of Iona. He was the son of Ainmuire mac Sétnai, a previous possible high king. His mother was Bríg, daughter of Chobtaig, son of Ailill, son of Nath Í, son of Crimthann mac Énnai son of Énnae Cennsalach of the Uí Ceinnselaig dynasty from Leinster. He was born in 530 according to the Annals of Tigernach (596.2).
Áed Uaridnach
Áed Uaridnach was an Irish king who was High King of Ireland. He is sometimes also known as Áed Allán, a name most commonly used for the 8th-century king of the same name, this Áed's great-great-grandson.
Áed Find
Áed Find, or Áed mac Echdach, was king of Dál Riata. Áed was the son of Eochaid mac Echdach, a descendant of Domnall Brecc in the main line of Cenél nGabráin kings.
Áed mac Dlúthaig
Áed mac Dlúthaig was a King of Fir Cúl in Brega of the Síl nDlúthaig sept of the Síl nÁedo Sláine of Brega. He was the grandson of Ailill Cruitire mac Áedo Sláine, a king of Brega.
Áed mac Bricc
Áed mac Bricc was an Irish bishop and saint.
Áed mac Cináeda
Áed mac Cináeda was a son of Cináed mac Ailpín. He became king of the Picts in 877, when he succeeded his brother Constantín mac Cináeda. He was nicknamed Áed of the White Flowers, the wing-footed or the white-foot.