List of Famous people with last name Zaslawski

Władysław Dominik Zasławski

First Name Władysław
Born on January 1, 1616
Died on May 5, 1656 (aged 40)

Prince Wladysław Dominik Zasławski-Ostrogski was a Polish nobleman (szlachcic) of Ruthenian stock. Prince of the Princely Houses of Poland, Ostroh Ordynat, Grand Koniuszy of The Crown.

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Aleksander Zasławski

First Name Aleksander
Last Name Zasławski
Born on November 30, 1549
Died on January 1, 1629 (aged 79)

Aleksander Zasławski was a Polish-Lithuanian noble, voivode of Bracław and voivode of Kiev (1628–1629).

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Aleksander Janusz Zasławski

First Name Aleksander
Last Name Zasławski
Born on January 1, 1650
Died on January 1, 1682 (aged 32)

Prince Aleksander Janusz Zasławski-Ostrogski (1650–1682) was the last male representative of the Ostrogski princely line. He was the 4th ordynat of the Ostrogski Family Fee Tail.

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