List of Famous people with last name Yoshikatsu

Mōri Yoshikatsu

First Name Mōri
Last Name Yoshikatsu
Born on November 30, 1599
Died on June 21, 1582

Mōri Yoshikatsu was a vassal under Oda Nobunaga during Japan's Sengoku period. He was also known as Mōri Shinsuke and Mōri Shinsaemon.

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Tokugawa Yoshikatsu

First Name Tokugawa
Last Name Yoshikatsu
Born on April 14, 1824
Died on August 1, 1883 (aged 59)

Tokugawa Yoshikatsu was a Japanese daimyō of the late Edo period, who ruled the Owari Domain as its 14th (1849–1858) and 17th daimyō (1870–1880). He was the brother of Matsudaira Katamori. His childhood name was Hidenosuke (秀之助).

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Ashikaga Yoshikatsu

First Name Ashikaga
Last Name Yoshikatsu
Born on March 19, 1434
Died on August 16, 1443 (aged 9)

Ashikaga Yoshikatsu was the 7th shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1442 to 1443 during the Muromachi period of Japan. Yoshikatsu was the son of 6th shōgun Ashikaga Yoshinori with his concubine, Hino Shigeko (1411–1463). His childhood name was Chiyachamaru (千也茶丸). Hino Tomiko, Wife of Ashikaga Yoshimasa at first was betrothed with Yoshikatsu.

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