List of Famous people with last name Yoshiharu

Ashikaga Yoshiharu

First Name Ashikaga
Last Name Yoshiharu
Born on April 2, 1511
Died on May 20, 1550 (aged 39)

Ashikaga Yoshiharu was the twelfth shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate who held the reins of supreme power from 1521 through 1546 during the late Muromachi period of Japan. He was the son of the eleventh shōgun Ashikaga Yoshizumi. His childhood name was Kameomaru (亀王丸).

  • May 1, 1521 : After the tenth shogun Ashikaga Yoshitane and Hosokawa Takakuni struggled for power over the shogunate and Yoshitane withdrew to Awaji Island, the way was clear for Minamoto-no Yoshiharu to be installed as shogun.
  • 1521 : Yoshiharu enters Kyoto.
  • 1526 : Shōgun Yoshiharu invited archers from neighboring provinces to come to the capital for an archery contest.
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Horio Yoshiharu

First Name Horio
Last Name Yoshiharu
Born on November 30, 1542
Died on July 26, 1611 (aged 68)

Horio Yoshiharu was a Japanese daimyō during the Azuchi–Momoyama and Edo periods. He was appointed to the position of one of three chūrō (arbiters) by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and was the first leader of the Matsue clan. He was also known as Horio Mosuke.

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Ōtani Yoshiharu

First Name Ōtani
Last Name Yoshiharu
Born on November 30, 1580
Died on June 3, 1615 (aged 34)
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Don't know him/her
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