List of Famous people with last name Wightman

Andy Wightman

First Name Andy
Last Name Wightman
Born on May 29, 1963 (age 61)

Andrew Dearg Wightman is an Independent Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for the Lothian region. He was elected as a member of the Scottish Greens. He is also a writer and researcher best known for his work on land ownership in Scotland. He is the author of Who Owns Scotland (1996) and The Poor Had No Lawyers (2015).

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Natasha Wightman

First Name Natasha
Last Name Wightman
Born on November 30, 1972 (age 51)
Born in United Kingdom

Natasha Wightman is an English actress who appeared in British and American films and British television productions from 1999 until 2005. Productions in which she has co-starred include Gosford Park (2001), Revelation (2001), Mouth to Mouth (2005), and V for Vendetta (2006). She also appeared in several episodes of the British TV serial State of Play.

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