List of Famous people with last name Wenden

Gunhild of Wenden

First Name Gunhild
Born on November 30, 0900
Died on November 30, 1013 (aged 113)

Gunhilda of Wenden was a Polish princess, daughter of Mieszko I of Poland according to Chronicles of Thietmar of Merserburg, Adam von Bremen and Acta Cnutonis regis princess and Danish Viking Age queen consort, the supposed spouse of 10th-century King Sweyn I of Denmark. The sources about the wife or wives of Sweyn are contradictory, and historians have debated the whether she is the polish Świętosława given another name in Norse sources.

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Edith Palin Wenden

First Name Edith
Last Name Wenden
Died on December 4, 1914
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Don't know him/her

Henry Wenden

First Name Henry
Last Name Wenden
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Don't know him/her
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