List of Famous people with last name Warsaw

Janusz I of Warsaw

First Name Janusz
Last Name Warsaw
Born on November 30, 1345
Died on December 8, 1429 (aged 84)

Janusz I of Warsaw, also known as Janusz I the Old, was a Polish prince member of the House of Piast in the Masovian branch, from 1373/74 Duke of Warsaw and after the division of the paternal inheritance between him and his brother in 1381, ruler over Nur, Łomża, Liw, Ciechanów, Wyszogród and Zakroczym. In addition, he was a vassal of the Polish Kingdom since 1391 for the fief of Podlachia.

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Bolesław IV of Warsaw

First Name Bolesław
Born on January 1, 1421
Died on September 10, 1454 (aged 33)

Bolesław IV of Warsaw, was a Polish prince member of the House of Piast in the Masovian branch. He was Duke of Warsaw during 1429–1454 and sovereign Duke of Podlachia in 1440–1444.

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Bolesław V of Warsaw

First Name Bolesław
Born on January 1, 1453
Died on April 27, 1488 (aged 35)

Bolesław V of Warsaw, was a Polish prince member of the House of Piast in the Masovian branch. He was a Duke of Czersk, Liw, Warsaw, Nur, Łomża, Ciechanów, Różan, Zakroczym and Wyszogród during 1454-1471 jointly with his brothers, Duke of Płock, Wizna, Płońsk and Zawkrze during 1462-1471, and after the division of the paternal domains in 1471, sole ruler over Warsaw, Nur and Liw. In 1484 he abdicated his rule over Błonie, Tarczyn, Kamieniec and Zakroczym.

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