List of Famous people with last name Visvesvaraya

M. Visvesvaraya

First Name M.
Last Name Visvesvaraya
Died on April 14, 1962
Born in India

Sir M. Visvesvaraya FASc, more commonly known as Sir MV, was an Indian Civil Engineer, statesman and the 19th Diwan of Mysore, serving from 1912 to 1919. He did BA degree of University of Madras through then affiliated college;Central College;Bangalore & then LCE (DCE)-Licenciate in Civil Engineering from University of Mumbai through then affilated one of the best and the 3rd oldest engineering college in Asia, College of Engineering, Pune. He received India's highest honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1955.He was knighted as a Knight Commander of British Indian Empire (KCIE) by King George V for his contributions to public good.His birthday,15 September,is celebrated as Engineers' Day in India, Sri Lanka and Tanzania in his memory.He was Chief Engineer of Krishna Raja Sagara dam in the north-west suburb of Mysuru city, and also served as one of Chief Engineers of the flood protection system for the city of Hyderabad.

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