List of Famous people with last name Tyndale

William Tyndale

First Name William
Last Name Tyndale
Born on November 30, 1493
Died on September 6, 1536 (aged 42)

William Tyndale was an English scholar who became a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation in the years leading up to his execution. He is well known as a translator of the Bible into English, influenced by the works of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther.

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Elizabeth Vere Tyndale

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Tyndale
Died on June 15, 1865
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Elizabeth Vere Tyndale

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Tyndale
Born on January 13, 1812
Died on February 10, 1902 (aged 90)
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Thomas George Tyndale

First Name Thomas
Last Name Tyndale
Born on June 17, 1777
Died on May 19, 1865 (aged 87)
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George Booth Tyndale

First Name George
Last Name Tyndale
Born on September 8, 1743
Died on December 28, 1779 (aged 36)
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George Tyndale

First Name George
Last Name Tyndale
Born on January 29, 1703
Died on February 24, 1771 (aged 68)
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Edith Oriana Dallas Tyndale

First Name Edith
Last Name Tyndale
Died on January 1, 1898
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John Nash Tyndale

First Name John
Last Name Tyndale
Died on February 23, 1868
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George Booth Tyndale

First Name George
Last Name Tyndale
Born on May 12, 1772 (age 252)
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Don't know him/her

Helen Margaret Tyndale

First Name Helen
Last Name Tyndale
Born on November 23, 1846 (age 177)
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Don't know him/her
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