List of Famous people with last name Trencavel

Raymond I Trencavel

First Name Raymond
Last Name Trencavel
Born on November 30, 1129
Died on October 15, 1167 (aged 37)

Raymond I Trencavel was the Viscount of Agde and Béziers from 1130 and Viscount of Albi, Carcassonne, and Razès from 1150. He was a member of the Trencavel family, ruling the lands of the elder branch.

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Bernard Ato V

First Name Bernard
Last Name V
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on November 30, 1158

Bernard Ato V was the Viscount of Nîmes of the Trencavel family from 1129 to his death.

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Roger I Trencavel

First Name Roger
Last Name Trencavel
Born on January 1, 1100
Died on January 1, 1150 (aged 50)

Roger I Trencavel,, was the eldest son of Bernard Ato IV, Viscount of Albi, Agde, Béziers, Carcassonne, Nîmes, and Razès. On his father's death in 1130 he inherited Albi, Carcassonne, and Razès, while his younger brother Raymond inherited Agde and Béziers and his youngest brother Bernard Ato V inherited Nîmes.

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Roger II Trencavel

First Name Roger
Last Name Trencavel
Died on March 19, 1194

Roger II Trencavel was the Viscount of Carcassonne, Béziers, Razès, and Albi from 1167 or 1171 until his death. Until 1177 he used the title proconsul, usually as proconsul de Bitteris, but he abandoned the usage when he became a vassal of the Crown of Aragon. His government of his lands was characterised by increasing complexity, such as the development of the offices of seneschal and sub-vicar, but his later years are characterised by financial troubles and a "general malaise" perhaps brought about by his poor relations with the Church hierarchy in light of his favourable attitude towards Catharism.

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Raymond Roger Trencavel

First Name Raymond
Last Name Trencavel
Born on January 1, 1185
Died on November 10, 1209 (aged 24)

Raymond Roger Trencavel was a member of the noble Trencavel family. He was viscount of Béziers and Albi, and viscount of Carcassonne and the Razès.

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Raymond Bernard Trencavel

First Name Raymond
Last Name Trencavel
Born on January 1, 1100
Died on November 30, 1073
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Bernard Ato VI Trencavel

First Name Bernard
Last Name Trencavel
Born on November 30, 1158 (age 865)

Bernard Ato VI was the posthumous son and successor of Bernard Ato V, Viscount of Nîmes and Agde. He reigned from 1163 until 1214, when he surrendered his fiefs to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester and leader of the Albigensian Crusade. Bernard Ato was not connected with Catharism nor were his lands, but his relationship to Raymond Roger Trencavel may have marked him off as an enemy of the Crusade by default, for he was a Trencavel, though he did not carry that name.

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Raymond II Trencavel

First Name Raymond
Last Name Trencavel
Born on January 1, 1207 (age 817)

Raymond II Trencavel was the last ruler of the branch of the Trencavel viscounts of Béziers. His entire life was occupied by efforts to reverse the downfall the Trencavel had experienced during the Albigensian Crusade, but he ultimately failed.

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