List of Famous people with last name Toucy

Narjot de Toucy

First Name Narjot
Born on November 30, 1254
Died on August 8, 1293 (aged 38)

Narjot de Toucy was the son of Philip of Toucy and of Portia de Roye. Narjot was therefore the grandson of his namesake who died in 1241.

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Philippe de Toucy

First Name Philippe
Last Name Toucy
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 12, 1277 (aged 77)

Philippe de Toucy was a French Crusader nobleman.

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Narjot de Toucy

First Name Narjot
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 1, 1241 (aged 41)

Narjot III de Toucy, lord of Bazarnes, was the son of Narjot II of Toucy (France) and his wife Agnes de Dampierre.

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