List of Famous people with last name Tootoo

Jordin Tootoo

First Name Jordin
Born on February 2, 1983 (age 42)
Born in Canada, Manitoba
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Jordin John Kudluk Tootoo is a Canadian former professional hockey player, who played for the Nashville Predators, Detroit Red Wings, New Jersey Devils and Chicago Blackhawks. Of Inuit and Ukrainian descent, he is both the first Inuk player and the first player to grow up in Nunavut to participate in an NHL game. Tootoo was widely regarded as one of the NHL's best agitators and was able to annoy, fight, and distract other players to help his team win. At the end of the 2016–17 NHL season, Tootoo had accumulated 65 goals, 96 assists and 1010 PIMs in 723 career NHL games since entering the league in 2003.

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Hunter Tootoo

First Name Hunter
Last Name Tootoo
Born on August 18, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Canada, Nunavut

Hunter A. Tootoo is a Canadian politician who served as the Member of Parliament for Nunavut from 2015 to 2019. Elected as a Liberal to the House of Commons, he was appointed Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard by Justin Trudeau on November 4, 2015. Tootoo resigned from that position on May 31, 2016, to take a leave from Parliament to seek treatment for alcohol addiction. He returned to Parliament by the end of July 2016 after the completion of his treatment program, but sat as an independent member for the remainder of the 42nd Parliament and did not run for re-election.

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