List of Famous people with last name Tiro

Hasan di Tiro

First Name Hasan
Last Name Tiro
Born on August 25, 1925
Died on June 3, 2010 (aged 84)
Born in Indonesia

Hasan Muhammad di Tiro, M.S, M.A, LL.D, Ph.D., born Hasan Bin Leube Muhammad, was the founder of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), an organisation which attempted to separate Aceh from Indonesia from the 1970s. It surrendered its separatist goals and agreed to disarm as agreed to in the Helsinki peace deal of 2005. He was the maternal great-grandson of Tengku Cik di Tiro, an Indonesian national hero who was killed fighting the Dutch in 1891. In 2010 he obtained his Indonesian citizenship back shortly before his death.

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Marcus Tullius Tiro

First Name Marcus
Last Name Tiro
Born on November 30, -0104
Died on November 30, -0005 (aged 99)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Marcus Tullius Tiro was first a slave, then a freedman of Cicero. He is frequently mentioned in Cicero's letters. After Cicero's death he published his former master's collected works. He also wrote a considerable number of books himself, and possibly invented an early form of shorthand.

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Teungku Chik di Tiro

First Name Teungku
Born on November 30, 1835
Died on January 21, 1891 (aged 55)
Born in Indonesia

Muhammad Saman, better known as Teungku Chik di Tiro, was an Acehnese guerrilla fighter. On 6 November 1973 he was declared a National Hero of Indonesia.

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