List of Famous people with last name Suibni

Crundmáel mac Suibni

First Name Crundmáel
Died on January 1, 0660

Crundmáel mac Suibni was a King of Ailech and head of the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill. He was the son of the high king of Ireland Suibne Menn. According to the Laud Synchronisms he succeeded his uncle Ernaine mac Fiachnai and ruled for 24 years which gives a possible reign of 636-660 as King of Ailech.

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Máel Dóid mac Suibni

First Name Máel
Last Name Suibni
Died on November 30, 0652

Máel Dóid mac Suibni was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son Suibne mac Colmáin and brother of Conall Guthbinn mac Suibni, previous kings. He ruled from 635 to 653.

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