List of Famous people with last name Sturgis

Mary Hubbard Sturgis

First Name Mary
Last Name Sturgis
Died on February 27, 1942
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Don't know him/her

Julian Sturgis

Julian Russell Sturgis
First Name Julian
Last Name Sturgis
Born on October 21, 1848
Died on April 13, 1904 (aged 55)

Julian Russell Sturgis was a British-American novelist, poet, librettist and lyricist.

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Henry Parkman Sturgis

First Name Henry
Last Name Sturgis
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Don't know him/her

Russell Sturgis

First Name Russell
Last Name Sturgis
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Don't know him/her

Sir Mark Beresford Russell Sturgis

First Name Sir
Died on April 29, 1949
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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