List of Famous people with last name Strathnaver

William Gordon, Lord Strathnaver

First Name William
Last Name Strathnaver
Born on December 19, 1683
Died on July 13, 1720 (aged 36)

William Gordon, known by the courtesy title of Lord Strathnaver from 4 March 1703, was a Scottish politician who sat briefly in the British House of Commons in 1708 until he was declared ineligible, being the eldest son of a Scottish peer. In 1719, the family name was changed to Sutherland, when his father was recognised as the Chief of Clan Sutherland.

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Huistean Du Mackay, 14th of Strathnaver

First Name Huistean
Born on November 30, 1560
Died on January 1, 1614 (aged 53)

Huistean Du Mackay, 13th of Strathnaver, was the thirteenth chief of Clan Mackay, a Highland Scottish clan.

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Iye Roy Mackay, 10th of Strathnaver

First Name Iye
Died on November 30, 1516

Iye Roy Mackay, 10th of Strathnaver, was the tenth chief of the ancient Clan Mackay, a Scottish clan of the Scottish Highlands.

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Iye Du Mackay, 12th of Strathnaver

First Name Iye
Died on January 1, 1572

Iye Du Mackay, 12th of Strathnaver, was the chief of the Clan Mackay, a Highland Scottish clan, from 1550 to 1572.

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Donald Mackay, 11th of Strathnaver

First Name Donald
Last Name Strathnaver
Died on January 1, 1550

Donald Mackay, 11th of Strathnaver, was the eleventh chief of the ancient Clan Mackay, a Scottish clan of the Scottish Highlands.

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John Sutherland, Lord Strathnaver

First Name John
Last Name Strathnaver
Born on October 31, 1706 (age 317)
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Iye Mackay of Strathnaver

First Name Iye
Died on January 1, 1617
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Hugh Mackay of Strathnaver

First Name Hugh
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Angus Mackay, 2nd of Strathnaver

First Name Angus
Last Name Strathnaver
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