List of Famous people with last name Stradonitz

Stephan Kekulé von Stradonitz

First Name Stephan
Last Name Stradonitz
Born on May 1, 1863
Died on May 5, 1933 (aged 70)

Stephan Kekulé von Stradonitz, was a German lawyer, heraldist and genealogist who popularized a genealogical numbering system of ancestors.

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Reinhard Kekulé von Stradonitz

First Name Reinhard
Last Name Stradonitz
Born on March 6, 1839
Died on March 23, 1911 (aged 72)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Reinhard Kekulé von Stradonitz was a German archeologist. He has been called the founder of modern iconology (Langlotz). He served as director of the collection of antique sculpture and vases at the Berlin Museum and also as the director of the antiquarium of the Berlin Museum. Kekulé was the nephew of the organic chemist August Kekulé.

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