List of Famous people with last name Stenkilsson

Halsten Stenkilsson

First Name Halsten
Born on January 1, 1050
Died on November 30, 1080 (aged 30)

Halsten Stenkilsson, English exonym: Alstan was a king of Sweden, son of King Stenkil and a Swedish princess. He became king some time after his father Stenkil's death (1066), and he may have ruled together with his brother Inge the Elder. The date of his death is not known.

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Eric Stenkilsson

First Name Eric
Last Name Stenkilsson
Born on November 30, 1054
Died on January 1, 1067 (aged 12)

Eric and Eric, according to Adam of Bremen, were two contenders for the kingship of Sweden around 1066–67, after the death of King Stenkil. They waged war on each other, with disastrous consequences: "[I]n this war all the Swedish magnates are said to have fallen. The two kings also perished then. When the entire royal clan was thus entirely extinct, conditions in the kingdom were changed and Christianity was disturbed to a high degree. The bishops that the Archbishop [of Bremen] had anointed for this land stayed back home due to fear of persecutions. Only the bishop in Scania took care of the churches of the Geats, and the Swedish Jarl Gnif strengthened his people in the Christian faith."

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