List of Famous people with last name Smidt

Wolbert Klaus Smidt

First Name Wolbert
Born on April 11, 1936
Died on January 29, 2016 (aged 79)

Wolbert Klaus Smidt was a high-ranking German secret service official, diplomat and publicist. He was First Director at the German Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) and Embassy Counselor in Paris.

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Karl Smidt

First Name Karl
Last Name Smidt
Born on August 30, 1903
Died on January 11, 1984 (aged 80)

Karl Ernst Smidt was German naval commander who reached the rank of Konteradmiral with the West German Navy. He served during World War II and was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross of Nazi Germany. From 1961 to 1963 he was the NATO Commander-in-Chief of the German Fleet of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

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Philippa Janet de Smidt

First Name Philippa
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Eric Smidt

First Name Eric
Last Name Smidt
Born on January 26, 1960 (age 64)
Net Worth $4.7B

Eric L. Smidt is an American businessman. He is Chairman and CEO of Harbor Freight Tools, which operates over 1000 retail hardware stores in 47 states and generated revenue of approximately $2 billion according to an April, 2012 Moody's Investors Service report.

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Leonard Ferdinand de Smidt

First Name Leonard
Last Name Smidt
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Don't know him/her
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