List of Famous people with last name Si-eun

Park Si-eun

First Name Park
Last Name Si-eun
Born on January 6, 1980 (age 44)

Park Si-eun is a South Korean actress. She played leading roles in the television dramas It Was Love (2012) and Hold My Hand (2013).

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Park Si-eun

First Name Park
Last Name Si-eun
Born on August 1, 2001 (age 23)

Park Si-eun is a South Korean singer and actress. She won the award for Best Young Actress at the 2018 SBS Drama Awards for her role as young Woo Seo-ri in Still 17. She was an actor trainee in JYP Entertainment, but left the company in 2019 after JYP Actors became defunct. After signing with High Up Entertainment in December 2019, she debuted as a member of the girl group STAYC in November 2020.

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