List of Famous people with last name Shigetoki

Hōjō Shigetoki

First Name Hōjō
Last Name Shigetoki
Born on July 11, 1198
Died on November 26, 1261 (aged 63)

Hōjō Shigetoki (北条重時) was a Japanese samurai of the Kamakura period. He was the third Kitakata Rokuhara tandai, serving from 1230 to 1247. He was also known as Lord Gokuraku-ji . His writings influenced later samurai philosophy.

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Hōjō Shigetoki

First Name Hōjō
Last Name Shigetoki
Born on November 30, 1302
Died on July 4, 1333 (aged 30)

Hōjō Shigetoki (北条茂時) was the last rensho of the Kamakura shogunate, serving from 1330 to 1333.

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