List of Famous people with last name Sartain

J. Peter Sartain

First Name J.
Last Name Sartain
Born on June 6, 1952 (age 72)

James Peter Sartain, better known as Peter Sartain, is an American prelate of the Catholic Church. He was the fifth Archbishop of Seattle from 2010 to 2019. He previously served as Bishop of Little Rock (2000–06) and Bishop of Joliet (2006–10).

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Gailard Sartain

First Name Gailard
Born on September 18, 1946 (age 78)

Gailard Sartain is an American former actor, often playing characters with roots in the South. He was a regular on the country music variety series Hee Haw. He is also known for his roles in three of the Ernest movies and the TV series Hey Vern, It's Ernest!, which ran for one season on CBS in 1988. He is also an accomplished and successful painter and illustrator.

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