List of Famous people with last name Sarafian

Daniel Sarafian

Daniel Sarafian Gantman
First Name Daniel
Last Name Sarafian
Born on August 21, 1982 (age 41)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Daniel Sarafian Gantman is an Armenian-Brazilian mixed martial artist currently competing in the Light Heavyweight division of Absolute Championship Berkut. A professional MMA competitor since 2006, Sarafian has formerly competed for the UFC, Bellator, and was a competitor on Globo's The Ultimate Fighter: Brazil.

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Deran Sarafian

Deran Sarafian is an American film and television director and former actor. He directed Death Warrant, Gunmen, and Terminal Velocity. He has been nominated for two Primetime Emmy Awards.

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Katherine Sarafian

Katherine Marianne Sarafian is an Armenian-American film producer. She started at Pixar Animation Studios as an artist but was shifted from the art department to marketing during the making of A Bug's Life by Pixar head Steve Jobs. She then became a producer within Pixar.

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