List of Famous people with last name Rheinfelden

Rudolf of Rheinfelden

First Name Rudolf
Last Name Rheinfelden
Born on January 1, 1025
Died on October 15, 1080 (aged 55)

Rudolf of Rheinfelden was Duke of Swabia from 1057 to 1079. Initially a follower of his brother-in-law, the Salian emperor Henry IV, his election as German anti-king in 1077 marked the outbreak of the Great Saxon Revolt and the first phase of open conflict in the Investiture Controversy between Emperor and Papacy. After a series of armed conflicts, Rudolf succumbed to his injuries after his forces defeated Henry's in the Battle on the Elster.

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Agnes von Rheinfelden

First Name Agnes
Last Name Rheinfelden
Born on November 30, 1064
Died on December 19, 1111 (aged 47)

Agnes of Rheinfelden was the daughter of Rudolf of Rheinfelden, and the wife of Berthold II of Zähringen, Duke of Swabia.

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Adelaide of Rheinfelden

First Name Adelaide
Last Name Rheinfelden
Born on November 30, 1064
Died on May 1, 1090 (aged 25)

Adelaide of Rheinfelden, was Queen Consort of Hungary by marriage to King Ladislaus I of Hungary.

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