List of Famous people with last name Revelstoke

Edward Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke

First Name Edward
Last Name Revelstoke
Born on April 13, 1828
Died on July 17, 1897 (aged 69)

Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke, was a British banker.

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Rupert Baring, 4th Baron Revelstoke

First Name Rupert
Last Name Revelstoke
Born on February 8, 1911
Died on November 30, 1993 (aged 82)

Rupert Alexander Baring, 4th Baron Revelstoke was a British landowner and peer.

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Cecil Baring, 3rd Baron Revelstoke

First Name Cecil
Last Name Revelstoke
Born on September 12, 1864
Died on January 26, 1934 (aged 69)

Cecil Baring, 3rd Baron Revelstoke was an English banker and aristocrat.

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John Baring, 2nd Baron Revelstoke

First Name John
Last Name Revelstoke
Died on April 19, 1929

John Baring, 2nd Baron Revelstoke was senior partner of Barings Bank from the 1890s until his death. John was the eldest surviving son of Edward Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke, and a great-grandson of the firm’s founder, Sir Francis Baring.

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