List of Famous people with last name Rascia

Uroš I of Rascia

First Name Uroš
Last Name Rascia
Died on November 30, 1144

Uroš I was the Grand Prince of the Grand Principality of Serbia from about 1112 to 1145.

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Uroš II of Rascia

First Name Uroš
Last Name Rascia
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on November 30, 1161

Uroš II, also known as Primislav (Примислав) or Prvoslav (Првослав), was Serbian Grand Prince from ca. 1145 to 1162, with brief interruptions as ruler by Desa, his brother. His rule was characterized by a period of power struggle, not only of the Serbian throne between the brothers, but between the Byzantine Empire and Kingdom of Hungary, of which he took advantage. He had two brothers Desa and Beloš, and a sister Helena of Serbia, Queen of Hungary.

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Vukan of Rascia

First Name Vukan
Last Name Rascia
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on January 1, 1114 (aged 64)

Vukan I was the Grand Prince of Serbia from 1083 until his death in 1112. During first years. he ruled together with his brother Marko, holding the regions of inner Serbia. With the death of his cousin, king Constantine Bodin of Duklja in 1101, he became the most powerful ruler among Serbian princes. He defeated the Byzantines several times, conquering parts of northern Macedonia. He is the eponymous founder of the Vukanović dynasty.

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