List of Famous people with last name Polanen

Joan of Polanen

First Name Joan
Last Name Polanen
Born on January 10, 1392
Died on May 15, 1445 (aged 53)

Johanna van Polanen was a Dutch noblewoman. She was the daughter of John III of Polanen, Lord of Breda, and his wife, Odilia of Salm. The House of Polanen was a side branch of the still existing House of Wassenaer.

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John III, Lord of Polanen

First Name John
Last Name Polanen
Born on January 1, 1340
Died on August 10, 1394 (aged 54)

John III of Wassenaer, Lord of Polanen was Lord of Polanen. The Lords of Polanen were a branch of the House of Wassenaer. He held extensive possessions besides the fief of Polanen.

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