List of Famous people with last name Plemons

Jesse Plemons

First Name Jesse
Last Name Plemons
Born on April 2, 1988 (age 36)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Jesse Lon Plemons is an American actor. He began his career as a child actor and achieved a career breakthrough with his supporting role as Landry Clarke in the NBC drama series Friday Night Lights (2006–2011). He subsequently portrayed Todd Alquist in season 5 of the AMC crime drama series Breaking Bad (2012–2013); he reprised the role in the television film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019). Following Breaking Bad, Plemons received his first Primetime Emmy Award nomination and won a Critics' Choice Television Award for portraying Ed Blumquist in season 2 of the FX anthology series Fargo (2015). He received a second Primetime Emmy Award nomination for his portrayal of Robert Daly in "USS Callister", an episode of the Netflix anthology series Black Mirror (2017).

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