List of Famous people with last name Piaseczny

Andrzej Piaseczny

Andrzej Tomasz Piaseczny
First Name Andrzej
Born on January 6, 1971 (age 53)

Andrzej Tomasz Piaseczny more commonly known as Piasek, is a Polish singer, songwriter, actor, and television personality. Former Mafia singer, Member of the Phonographic Academy of ZPAV. In the years 1997–2010 he performed in the TV series Złotopolscy, where he played the singer Kacper "Górniak" Złotopolski. His solo career began in 1998. In the same year he performed in a duet with Natalia Kukulska, with whom he recorded the song "You Are Near Me", and also released a solo single "I Know My Way", used in the soundtrack to the movie The Magic Sword – Camelot Legend. Piasek represented Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 with his up-tempo dance song "2 Long". Since 2008, the artist has collaborated with Seweryn Krajewski.

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