List of Famous people with last name Pergamon

Stratonice of Pergamon

First Name Stratonice
Born on November 30, -0201 (age 2225)

Stratonice was a princess of Cappadocia and through marriage a queen of Pergamon.

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Cratippus of Pergamon

First Name Cratippus
Born on November 30, -0101
Died on January 1, -0100 (aged 1)
Born in İzmir Province

Cratippus of Pergamon, was a leading Peripatetic philosopher of the 1st century BC who taught at Mytilene and Athens. The only aspects of his teachings which are known to us are what Cicero records concerning divination.

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Hegesinus of Pergamon

First Name Hegesinus
Born on November 30, -0201 (age 2225)

Hegesinus of Pergamon, was an Academic Skeptic philosopher from Pergamon. He was the successor of Evander and the immediate predecessor of Carneades as the leader (scholarch) of the Platonic Academy, and served for a period around 160 BCE. Nothing else is known about him.

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