List of Famous people with last name Percy

Henry Percy

First Name Henry
Last Name Percy
Born on May 20, 1364
Died on July 21, 1403 (aged 39)

Sir Henry Percy, nicknamed Hotspur, was an English knight who fought in several campaigns against the Scots in the northern border and against the French during the Hundred Years' War. The nickname "Hotspur" was given to him by the Scots as a tribute to his speed in advance and readiness to attack. The heir to a leading noble family in northern England, Hotspur was one of the earliest and prime movers behind the deposition of King Richard II in favour of Henry Bolingbroke in 1399. He later fell out with the new regime and rebelled, being slain at the Battle of Shrewsbury in 1403 at the height of his fame.

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Iain Percy

First Name Iain
Born on March 21, 1976 (age 48)

Iain Bryden Percy is an English sailor and double Olympic champion for Great Britain.

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George Percy, Earl Percy

George Dominic Percy
First Name George
Last Name Percy

George Dominic Percy, Earl Percy, is a British businessman and the heir apparent to the Dukedom of Northumberland.

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Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy

First Name Henry
Last Name Percy
Born on February 1, 1301
Died on February 26, 1352 (aged 51)

Henry Percy, 9th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 2nd Baron Percy of Alnwick (1298–1352) was the son of Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick, and Eleanor Fitzalan, daughter of Sir Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl of Arundel, and sister of Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel.

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Lady Katherine Percy

First Name Lady
Last Name Percy
Born on May 18, 1423
Died on January 1, 1475 (aged 51)

Lady Katherine Percy was the daughter of Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland and Lady Eleanor Neville.

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Susan Emma Percy

First Name Susan
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Ralph Percy

First Name Ralph
Last Name Percy
Born on August 11, 1425
Died on January 1, 1464 (aged 38)

Sir Ralph Percy was a knight, a Governor of Bamburgh Castle and a supporter of the Lancastrian faction in the Wars of the Roses. Percy was the son of Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland and Lady Eleanor Neville, and the grandson of Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy.

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Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy

First Name Henry
Last Name Percy
Born on March 25, 1273
Died on October 1, 1314 (aged 41)

Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick was a medieval English magnate.

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Lord James Percy

First Name Lord
Last Name Percy
Born on June 18, 1965 (age 59)
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Margaret Percy

First Name Margaret
Last Name Percy
Born on November 30, 1446 (age 578)

The Lady Margaret Gascoigne was an English noblewoman, the daughter of Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland and Eleanor Poynings.

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