List of Famous people with last name Palmerston

Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston

First Name Henry
Last Name Palmerston
Born on October 20, 1784
Died on October 18, 1865 (aged 80)

Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, was a British statesman who served twice as Prime Minister in the mid-19th century. Palmerston dominated British foreign policy during the period 1830 to 1865, when Britain stood at the height of its imperial power. He held office almost continuously from 1807 until his death in 1865. He began his parliamentary career as a Tory, defected to the Whigs in 1830, and became the first prime minister from the newly-formed Liberal Party in 1859. He was highly popular with the British public. David Brown argues "an important part of Palmerston's appeal lay in his dynamism and vigour."

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Henry Temple, 1st Viscount Palmerston

First Name Henry
Last Name Palmerston
Died on June 10, 1757

Henry Temple, 1st Viscount Palmerston, of East Sheen, Surrey and Broadlands, Hampshire, was an Anglo-Irish landowner and Whig politician who sat in the British House of Commons from 1727 to 1747.

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