List of Famous people with last name Opie

Amelia Opie

Amelia Alderson
First Name Amelia
Last Name Opie
Died on December 2, 1853

Amelia Opie, née Alderson, was an English author who published numerous novels in the Romantic period up to 1828. Opie was also a leading abolitionist in Norwich, England. Hers was the first of 187,000 names presented to the British Parliament on a petition from women to stop slavery.

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John Opie

First Name John
Last Name Opie
Born on May 16, 1761
Died on April 9, 1807 (aged 45)

John Opie was a Cornish historical and portrait painter. He painted many great men and women of his day, including members of the British Royal Family, and others who were most notable in the artistic and literary professions.

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Julian Opie

First Name Julian
Last Name Opie
Born on December 12, 1958 (age 65)

Julian Opie is a visual artist of the New British Sculpture movement.

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