List of Famous people with last name Offaly

Maurice FitzGerald, 3rd Lord of Offaly

First Name Maurice
Last Name Offaly
Born on November 30, 1237
Died on November 10, 1286 (aged 48)
Born in Ireland

Maurice FitzMaurice FitzGerald was an Irish magnate born in Ireland; a soldier, and Justiciar of Ireland from 1272 to 1273. His family would come to epitomize the ideal of cultural synthesis in Ireland, becoming More Irish than the Irish themselves, fusing Gaelic and Norman customs in Irish identity. "But others say that he never enjoyed that lordship himself, but passed it the son and grandson of his eldest brother Gerald."

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Maurice FitzGerald, 2nd Lord of Offaly

First Name Maurice
Last Name Offaly
Born on January 1, 1194
Died on May 20, 1257 (aged 63)

Maurice Fitzmaurice FitzGerald I, 2nd Lord of Offaly was a Norman-Irish peer, soldier, and Justiciar of Ireland from 1232 to 1245. He mustered many armies against the Irish, and due to his harsh methods as Justiciar, he received criticism from King Henry III of England. He was succeeded as Lord of Offaly by his son, Maurice FitzGerald, 3rd Lord of Offaly.

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Gerald FitzMaurice, 1st Lord of Offaly

First Name Gerald
Last Name Offaly
Died on November 30, 1203

Gerald FitzMaurice, jure uxoris 1st Lord of Offaly was a Cambro-Norman nobleman who took part with his father, Maurice FitzGerald, Lord of Lanstephan, in the Norman Invasion of Ireland (1169–71). Together with his five brothers and one sister Nesta they founded the notable FitzGerald/FitzMaurice Dynasty which was to play an important role in Irish history.

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Henry FitzGerald, Lord Offaly

First Name Henry
Last Name Offaly
Died on February 18, 1683
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