List of Famous people with last name Northeim

Ethelinde of Northeim

First Name Ethelinde
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on January 1, 1001

Ethelinde of Northeim was the daughter of Otto of Northeim and the wife of Welf I, Duke of Bavaria, and Herman of Calvelage.

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Richenza of Northeim

First Name Richenza
Born on January 1, 1087
Died on June 10, 1141 (aged 54)

Richenza of Northeim was Duchess of Saxony from 1106, Queen of Germany from 1125 and Holy Roman Empress from 1133 as the wife of Lothair of Supplinburg.

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Liutgard of Northeim

First Name Liutgard
Born on November 30, 1084
Died on November 30, 1116 (aged 32)
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Don't know him/her
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