List of Famous people with last name Nemanjic

Theodora Nemanjić

First Name Theodora
Last Name Nemanjić
Born on November 30, 1329
Died on November 30, 1380 (aged 51)

Teodora Nemanjić was the despotess of Kumanovo as the wife of Despot Dejan. She was the daughter of King Stephen Uroš III Dečanski of Serbia and her eldest half-brother was Serbian emperor, Stephen Uroš IV Dušan. She was the mother of two sons, Constantine Dragaš and Jovan Dragaš, and one daughter. She later became a nun adopting the name Evdokija, hence she is known in historiography as Teodora-Evdokija (Теодора-Евдокија).

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Đorđe Nemanjić

First Name Đorđe
Died on August 21, 1242

Đorđe Nemanjić or George of Zeta was the Grand Prince of Zeta, from at least 1208 until at least 1243. For some time, he also was a self-styled King of Duklja. He was the son of rival Serbian Grand Prince and titular King Vukan Nemanjić, hence George too was a titular King, for a few years after his father's death. He continued the struggle between his father and uncle, and accepted the suzerainty of the Republic of Venice.

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Vratko Nemanjić

First Name Vratko
Born on November 30, 1299
Died on January 1, 1400 (aged 100)

Vratko Nemanjić fl. 1325-1355) was a Serbian noble, father of Prince Lazar's spouse Milica. Serbian epic poetry identifies him with Yug Bogdan or Ljutica Bogdan, a mythical hero in the Battle of Kosovo.

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