List of Famous people with last name Nassau-wiesbaden

Adolf III of Nassau-Wiesbaden

First Name Adolf
Last Name Nassau-Wiesbaden
Born on November 10, 1443
Died on July 6, 1511 (aged 67)

Count Adolf III of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein was a son of Count John II of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein and his wife Maria of Nassau-Dillenburg (1463–1504). After his father's death in 1480, he ruled Nassau-Wiesbaden and his brother Philip ruled Nassau-Idstein. After Philip's childless death in 1509, Adolf III ruled also ruled Nassau-Idstein.

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Philip I of Nassau-Wiesbaden

First Name Philip
Last Name Nassau-Wiesbaden
Born on April 26, 1492
Died on June 6, 1558 (aged 66)

Philip I, Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein was the only son of Count Adolph III and his wife Margaret of Hanau-Lichtenberg. After his father died in 1511, he ruled Nassau-Wiesbaden and Nassau-Idstein.

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Philip II of Nassau-Wiesbaden

First Name Philip
Last Name Nassau-Wiesbaden
Born on November 30, 1515
Died on January 3, 1566 (aged 50)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Philip II, Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden was the eldest son of Philip I and his wife, Adriana of Glymes of Bergen. He succeeded his father as Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden and Nassau-Idstein in 1558.

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