List of Famous people with last name Narumiya

Maki Narumiya

First Name Maki
Last Name Narumiya
Born on April 7, 1985 (age 39)

Maki Narumiya is a retired Japanese professional wrestler. A former dancer, Narumiya was trained in professional wrestling by Emi Sakura and made her debut for the Ice Ribbon promotion in March 2011. During her four years in the promotion, she became a one-time ICE×60 Champion and two-time International Ribbon Tag Team Champion. In April 2015, Narumiya transferred over to the Reina Joshi Puroresu promotion, where she already was a one-time holder of both the CMLL-Reina International and CMLL-Reina International Junior Championships. She retired from professional wrestling in March 2016.

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