List of Famous people with last name Murchada

Gormflaith ingen Murchada

First Name Gormflaith
Born on November 30, 0959
Died on November 30, 1029 (aged 70)

Gormlaith ingen Murchada (960–1030), sometimes spelled Gormflaith, was an Irish queen.

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Diarmait Mac Murchada

First Name Diarmait
Born on January 1, 1110
Died on May 1, 1171 (aged 61)
Born in Ireland

Diarmait Mac Murchada, anglicised as Dermot MacMurrough, Dermod MacMurrough, or Dermot MacMorrogh, was a King of Leinster in Ireland. In 1167, he was deposed by the high king of Ireland – Ruaidri Ua Conchobair. The grounds for the deposition were that Mac Murchada had, in 1152, abducted Derbforgaill, the wife of the king of Breifne, Tiernan O'Rourke. To recover his kingdom, Mac Murchada solicited help from King Henry II of England. His issue unresolved, he gained the military support of the Earl of Pembroke. At that time, Strongbow was in opposition to Henry II due to his support for Stephen, King of England against Henry's mother in The Anarchy. In exchange for his aid, Strongbow was promised in marriage to Mac Murchada's daughter Aoife with the right to succeed to the Kingship of Leinster. Henry II then mounted a larger second invasion in 1171 to ensure his control over Strongbow, resulting in the Norman Lordship of Ireland. Mac Murchada was later known as Diarmait na nGall. He was seen in Irish history as the king that invited the first ever wave of English settlers, who were planted by the Norman conquest. Another outcome of the invasion was for the very first time the indigenous Celtic Christian Church in Ireland would come under the jurisdiction of the Holy See through a bull issued to the Normans by the then Pope Adrian IV.

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Máel Mórda mac Murchada

First Name Máel
Last Name Murchada
Born on November 30, 0999
Died on April 23, 1014 (aged 14)

Máel Mórda mac Murchada was King of the province of Leinster in Ireland.

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