List of Famous people with last name Munjeong

Queen Munjeong

First Name Queen
Last Name Munjeong
Died on December 29, 1565

Queen Munjeong or Queen Moon-Jung, of the Papyeong Yun clan, was a posthumous name bestowed to the wife and third queen consort of Yi Yeok, King Jungjong. She was Queen consort of Joseon from 1517 until her husband's death in 1544, after which she was honoured as Queen Dowager Seongryeol (성렬왕대비) durung the reign of her step-son Yi Ho, King Injong, and as Grand Queen Dowager Seongryeol (성렬대왕대비) durung the reign of her son Yi Hwan, King Myeongjong.

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