List of Famous people with last name Morozane

Fujiwara no Morozane

First Name Fujiwara
Last Name Morozane
Born on November 30, 1041
Died on March 14, 1101 (aged 59)

Fujiwara no Morozane was a regent of Japan and a chief of the Fujiwara clan during the late Heian period. He was known as Kyōgoku dono or Go-Uji dono. He held the positions of sessho or kanpaku for a twenty-year period, sessho from 1075 to 1086 during the reign of Emperor Shirakawa and from 1094 to 1099 during the reign of Emperor Horikawa, and kampaku from 1086 to 1094 during the reign of Emperor Horikawa.

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