List of Famous people with last name Mittelman

Max Mittelman

First Name Max
Last Name Mittelman
Born on September 5, 1990 (age 33)

Maxwell Braden Mittelman is an American voice actor who provides voices for English versions of anime, animation and video games. Some of his major roles include Saitama in One-Punch Man, Kousei Arima in Your Lie in April, Hikari Sakishima in A Lull in the Sea, King from The Seven Deadly Sins, Ritsu Kageyama in Mob Psycho 100, Inaho Kaizuka in Aldnoah.Zero, Atsushi Nakajima in Bungo Stray Dogs and Io Flemming in Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt, Nacht Faust from Black Clover, and Plagg from Miraculous Ladybug. In video games, he voices McBurn and Lechter Arundel in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I, II and III, Shigure Rangetsu in Tales of Berseria, Ryuji Sakamoto in Persona 5, Troy Calypso in Borderlands 3, Peter Boggs in Grounded, Fidel Camuze in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, Claude Wallace in Valkyria Chronicles 4, Louis in Code Vein and Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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