List of Famous people with last name Midi

Donnchad Midi

First Name Donnchad
Born on January 1, 0733
Died on February 6, 0797 (aged 64)
Born in Ireland

Donnchad mac Domnaill, called Donnchad Midi, was High King of Ireland. His father, Domnall Midi, had been the first Uí Néill High King from the south-central Clann Cholmáin based in modern County Westmeath and western County Meath, Ireland. The reigns of Domnall and his successor, Niall Frossach of the Cenél nEógain, had been relatively peaceful, but Donnchad's rule saw a return to a more expansionist policy directed against Leinster, traditional target of the Uí Néill, and also, for the first time, the great southern kingdom of Munster.

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Domnall Midi

First Name Domnall
Born on January 1, 0601
Died on January 1, 0763 (aged 162)
Born in Ireland

Domhnall Mac Murchada, called Domnall Midi, was High King of Ireland. He belonged to the Clann Cholmáin branch of the Uí Néill. Clann Cholmáin's pre-eminence among the southern Uí Néill, which would last until the rise of Brian Bóruma and the end of the Uí Néill dominance in Ireland, dates from his lifetime.

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Muiredach mac Domnaill Midi

First Name Muiredach
Died on January 1, 0802

Muiredach mac Domnaill Midi was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son of the High King of Ireland, Domnall Midi and brother of the high king Donnchad Midi. He ruled in as King of Mide from 799 to 802.

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Murchad Midi

First Name Murchad
Born on January 1, 0601
Died on November 30, 0714 (aged 113)

Murchad mac Diarmato, called Murchad Midi, was an Irish king. One of four or more sons of Diarmait Dian, he succeeded his father as King of Uisnech at the latter's death in 689.

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