List of Famous people with last name Mazzoleni

Maria Mazzoleni

First Name Maria
Last Name Mazzoleni
Born on January 14, 1988 (age 36)
Height 158 cm | 5'2

Maria de Lourdes Mazzoleni Portela is a Brazilian middleweight judoka. She won bronze medals at the 2011 and 2015 Pan American Games, and competed at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics. At the 2012 Olympics, she lost her first match to Yuri Alvear. At the 2016 Games, she beat Assmaa Niang in the first round, before losing to Bernadette Graf in the second.

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Donatella Mazzoleni

First Name Donatella
Born on January 1, 1943 (age 81)
Born in Italy, Tuscany
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Eddy Mazzoleni

First Name Eddy
Last Name Mazzoleni
Born on July 29, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Eddy Mazzoleni is an Italian professional road bicycle racer who most recently rode for UCI ProTour Astana Team.

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