List of Famous people with last name Matsys

Quinten Metsys

First Name Quinten
Last Name Metsys
Died on January 1, 1530

Quentin Matsys (1466–1530) was a Flemish painter in the Early Netherlandish tradition. He was born in Leuven. There is a tradition alleging that he was trained as an ironsmith before becoming a painter. Matsys was active in Antwerp for over 20 years, creating numerous works with religious roots and satirical tendencies. He is regarded as the founder of the Antwerp school of painting, which became the leading school of painting in Flanders in the 16th century. He introduced new techniques and motifs as well as moralising subjects without completely breaking with the tradition.

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Jan Matsys

First Name Jan
Last Name Matsys
Born on January 1, 1509
Died on October 8, 1575 (aged 66)

Jan Massijs or Jan Matsys was a Flemish Renaissance painter known for his history paintings, genre scenes and landscapes. He also gained a reputation as a painter of the female nude, which he painted with a sensuality reminiscent of the school of Fontainebleau.

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