List of Famous people with last name Masamichi

Takatsukasa Masamichi

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Masamichi
Born on August 22, 1789
Died on November 29, 1868 (aged 79)

Takatsukasa Masamichi , son of regent Masahiro, was a Kugyō or Japanese court noble of the late Edo and the late Tokugawa shogunate periods. He held the regent position of kampaku from 1823–1856. In 1856, at the Ansei Purge, he was prosecuted and later became a priest. Sukehiro was his son who he had with a daughter of the seventh head of Mito Domain Tokugawa Harutoshi. One of his daughters married the thirteenth head of Tokushima Domain Hachisuka Narihiro.

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Date Masamichi

First Name Date
Last Name Masamichi
Born on November 30, 1567
Died on May 10, 1590 (aged 22)
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Don't know him/her
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