List of Famous people with last name Marroquin

Sebastián Marroquín

Juan Pablo Escobar Henao
First Name Sebastián
Last Name Marroquín
Born on February 24, 1977 (age 47)

Juan Sebastián Marroquín Santos is a Colombian architect, author, and the son of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.

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Bianca Marroquín

First Name Bianca
Last Name Marroquín
Born on January 15, 1975 (age 50)
Born in Mexico, Nuevo León

Bianca Marroquín is a Mexican musical theatre and television actress known as the first Mexican actress to have a starring role on Broadway and one of the youngest actresses to play Roxie Hart in a Broadway production of Chicago.

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Anibal Marroquín

First Name Anibal
Last Name Marroquín
Born on December 7, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Guatemala

Lesvin Aníbal Marroquín Córdova is a Guatemalan badminton player.

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